Investor/ Shareholder

Leveraging on our technology capabilities by adhering to corporate governance and best practices, Investor servicing through New Issues, Registry and Transfer has been our core strength over the last 30 years. To help your investors stay updated, our e-platform KARISMA provides easy access to information, and unique features such as- a virtual registry, instant MIS, high level of transparency and 100% operational efficiency. We were the first Registrar and Transfer Agency in the country to launch eVoting - an alternative to the paper-based postal ballot process, facilitating shareholders to cast their votes digitally and thereby help in our endeavour to speed up our investor's business processes. We service more than 50% corporates.
A single window platform with multiple features which empowers with a range of convenient...
A single window platform with multiple features which empowers with a range of convenient and productive features. You can view your Folios, reminders for general meetings, IPO status,E-voting events and post your query.
ExploreIt provides details about the number of shares allotted to the investor...
It provides details about the number of shares allotted to the investor in an Initial public offer (IPO). IPO Allotment status, all IPOs and recent IPOs.An investor can check allotment status by entering PAN Number or the IPO allocation number.
ExploreRaise service requests like Updation of PAN/email ID / KYC / Bank Mandate online for your folios. Download the ISR forms 1 /2/3 or SH 13 / 14 for Nomination. Check DEMAT / REMAT status , upload Tax exemption forms or ask/track a query.
Raise service requests like Updation of PAN/email ID / KYC / Bank Mandate online for your folios. Download the ISR forms 1 /2/3 or SH 13 / 14 for Nomination. Check DEMAT / REMAT status , upload Tax exemption forms or ask/track a query.
ExploreYou ask, We answer. Post a query through your folio/DpID details with ...
You ask, We answer. Post a query through your folio/DpID details with the registered Email ID and get your query answered. In case if the resolution is not satisfied you may also escalate your query to higher level and track your query posted.
ExploreEnables voting by the shareholders in-person at the general meetings by bringing ease...
Enables voting by the shareholders in-person at the general meetings by bringing ease, transparency, accuracy and quickness to the voting process. Receive live updation of poll results and cuts down poll management time significantly.
ExploreEnables shareholders to participate in AGM/EGM proceeding and facilitates...
Enables shareholders to participate in AGM/EGM proceeding and facilitates remote e-voting, post queries prior to meeting, speaker registration and calendar to check schedules of various companies.
ExploreInvestor Charter is to facilitate investor awareness about activities for availing Investor Service Requests, detailing the services provided to Investors, Rights of Investors, various activities with timelines, Dos and Don’ts for Investors and Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
ExploreA secure and safer approach to monitor the personal trading of employees...
A secure and safer approach to monitor the personal trading of employees, per best practices and industry regulations. Accessible by senior management, compliance officers and others. Access to modules to view complete transaction of insiders
ExploreSoft Data of phsyical ROM master, dividend and related transactions etc
Soft Data of phsyical ROM master, dividend and related transactions etc to the issuer companies as the companies needs to maintain the quarterly data shared by RTAs upto 8 years. RTA to create an exclusive folder, upload the data and preserve permanently.
ExploreConnecting all stakeholders on a single platform to meet stakeholder needs like Folio No...
Connecting all stakeholders on a single platform to meet stakeholder needs. A client can view shareholder’s information based on parameters like Folio No., Application No., Reference No.,Warrant No., DpId/ Client Id , Pan No. , Name etc.,
ExploreEnables voting by the shareholders in-person at the general meetings by bringing ease
Enables voting by the shareholders in-person at the general meetings by bringing ease, transparency, accuracy and quickness to the voting process. Receive live updation of poll results and cuts down poll management time significantly.
ExploreEnables shareholders to participate in AGM/EGM proceeding and facilitates remote e-voting.
Enables shareholders to participate in AGM/EGM proceeding and facilitates remote e-voting, post queries prior to meeting, speaker registration and calendar to check schedules of various companies.
ExploreIt is a robust platform which help's young entrepreneur start and grow the business with Nominal charges.
It is a robust platform which help's young entrepreneur start and grow the business with Nominal charges. Our platform provides more than 200 different services across India with 24/7 Business engagement model. Our two step registration process keep us head high in the market.
ExplorePublic issue management system for all stakeholders of the IPO / issue Kosmic Module...
Public issue management system for all stakeholders of the IPO / issue Kosmic Module is mainly designed to capture all the process steps, checks, controls, and audit sign-off, Lead Managers sign-off, basis of allotment, notes and sign-off, etc. with triggers and alerts involved before and after the closure of the Public Issue.
ExploreIt is advisable to register securities in joint names in order to facilitate succession.
If I wish to add the name of my spouse, children or any other person, what procedure should I follow?
Addition of the name of a joint holder, even a family member, is considered a "Transfer" and attracts stamp duty. A regular transfer deed would be required to be executed. Blank transfer deeds would be available with your local stockbroker / stock exchange (For stamp duty payable, please see under the head "Transfer of Shares").
For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
For securities held in physical form, you may nominate a person by completing form 2B (Click here for Nomination Request Form) and registering the same with the Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company..
For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
Note: No request for registration of nomination and/or any change therein shall be entertained over e-mail.
The Share Certificate(s), along with the duly completed and stamped Share Transfer Form(s), should be sent to Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company.
Share transfer stamps at the prescribed rate should be affixed on the reverse of the Share Transfer Form at the place provided. The stamps should be duly cancelled. As on March 1, 2007 the rate of stamp duty is 25 paise per hundred Rupees or part thereof, of the value of shares. For this purpose, the value of the shares may be ascertained on the basis of the rate of the share on the stock exchange on the date of execution of the transfer deed.However, latest stamp duty rate may be ascertained
In case Power of Attorney holder (POA holder) signs on behalf of the transferor, he should quote POA registration number as registered with the RTA, on the transfer deed or else, the transferee should request the transferor, before approaching for transfer, to have the POA registered with the RTA.
In case the transferee has an existing folio number, he should quote the existing folio number on transfer deed to enable registration of new shares in the same folio number.
If all the documents are in order, the shares will be duly transferred and the certificates will be returned to you duly endorsing your name, normally within a fortnight from the receipt of document(s).
In case the share certificate(s) do not reach you within 30 days from the date of lodging the same, you may please contact the RTA.
It is advisable that photocopies of the share certificate(s) and the transfer deed(s) sent for transfer are retained by the transferee.
In respect of shares held in demat form, transfers are effected electronically through the NSDL / CDSL system.
No transfer of shares is effected during the Book Closure period of the Company.
No. Gifting of shares is equivalent to transfer of shares therefore it can be done only in demat form.
I want to add another person as a joint-holder to my shareholding. Can this be done physically?No. Any addition of name is deemed to be transfer of shares therefore it has to be done in demat form.
Transmission of shares is the process of transfer of shares of the deceased shareholder(s) in the name(s) of the surviving family members without following the procedure for transfer of shares.>
For transmission of shares, shareholders are requested to write to:
If the deceased shareholder who held shares in his/her own name(singly)had left a will, how do the legal heir(s) get the shares transmitted in their names?As per Indian succession Act,1925, the legal heirs will have to get either the will probated (by the high court/district court of competent jurisdiction) or provide the will( where probate is not required) and accordingly send a copy of the aforesaid along with the other documents required for transmission of shares:
In case of sole holder:
Note: In case of Joint Holder – Procedure of Name deletion to be followed
The shareholders are advised to mention their Folio No. and Contact No. in all their communication sent to the RTA/Company.
All communication concerning transfer/transmission of shares, change of critical details like address, name, loss of certificate, nominations, etc. should be addressed to the Company's Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
Please note that for any queries or requests, the shareholders are advised to write to the RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) on the following address:
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)
KFin Technologies Limited
Selenium, Tower- B,
Plot No. 31 & 32,
Financial District,
Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad-500032, India.
Toll Free No : : 18003454001
In case of joint holdings, in the event of death of one shareholder, how do the surviving shareholder(s) get the shares in his/their names?The surviving shareholder(s) will have to submit a request letter supported by a notarized copy of the death certificate of the deceased shareholder along with the documents enclosed.
On receipt of the said documents, Registrar & Share Transfer Agent will delete the name of deceased shareholder from its records and return the share certificates to the applicant /registered holder with necessary endorsement.
Documents enclosed:
If a shareholder who held shares in his sole name dies without leaving a will. How can his/ her legal heir(s) (either husband/wife/son/daughter, etc.) get the shares transmitted in their names?The legal heir(s) shall submit the following documents:
For value upto Rs. 2 Lakhs:
a. Succession Certificate/ Letter of Administration/ Court decree in terms of Indian Succession Act, 1925 and an affidavit from such legal heir(s)/ claimant(s) alone would be sufficient.
a. No objection certificate from all legal heir(s) who do not object to such transmission or copy of family settlement deed duly notarized and executed by all the legal heirs of the deceased holder;
b. An indemnity bond made on appropriate non judicial stamp paper, indemnifying the Share Transfer Agent / listed entity
For value more than Rs. 2 Lakhs:
a. succession certificate OR
b. letter of administration OR
c. court decree
The aforesaid documents should be accompanied with the documents enclosed for - Transmission of shares. One may approach the Registrar & Share Transfer Agent, M/s. KFin Technologies Limited for any further assistance/ clarification.
Documents enclosed:
In case of sole holder:
Note: In case of Joint Holder – Procedure of Name deletion to be followed
The shareholders are advised to mention their Folio No. and Contact No. in all their communication sent to the RTA/Company.
All communication concerning transfer/transmission of shares, change of critical details like address, name, loss of certificate, nominations, etc. should be addressed to the Company's Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
Please note that for any queries or requests, the shareholders are advised to write to the RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) on the following address:
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)
KFin Technologies Limited
Selenium, Tower- B,
Plot No. 31 & 32,
Financial District,
Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad-500032, India.
Toll Free No : : 18003454001
The name of a joint holder was included only for convenience by the first holder. I am the only heir. Could you transfer the shares in my name as per the will/probate?No. As per law, the joint holder is deemed to be having indivisible ownership of the joint property. As per the Articles of Association of the company, the surviving joint holders are the only persons recognized as having title to the shares.
The nomination can be made only by individual(s) holding shares singly or jointly. If the shares are held jointly, all the joint holders will sign the nomination form. Non-individuals including a society,trust,body corporate ,partnership firm, Karta of Hindu undivided family and holder of power of attorney cannot nominate.
Can a Shareholder nominate more than one person to hold shares jointly in the event of his demise?Only one nomination can be made for each folio. In a family having different folios containing different order or combination of names of shareholders will require separate nominations for each folios.
Can a shareholder change his nomination?Nomination once made can be revoked by a shareholder by giving a fresh nomination. If the nomination is made by joint holders, and one of the joint holders dies, the remaining joint holders can make a fresh nomination by revoking the existing nomination.
Please download form SH-14 for revocation of nomination along with documents enclosed for – Appointing a new Nomination or Revocation of nomination.
Documents enclosed:
1. Duly filled up Form SH-13 (Nomination Form)
Note: In case of appointing Nominee only one Nominee can be nominated per folio
2. Duly filled up Form SH-14 (in case of revocation of nomination)
3. Self-attested copy of PAN Card of the Applicant and the Nominee
4. Self attested copy of any other identity proof of the Applicant and the Nominee
5. Proof of encashment of dividend received from the Company
The shareholders are advised to mention their Folio No. and Contact No. in all their communication sent to the RTA/Company.
All communication concerning transfer/transmission of shares, change of critical details like address, name, loss of certificate, nominations, etc. should be addressed to the Company's Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
Please note that for any queries or requests, the shareholders are advised to write to the Company’s RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) on the following address:
Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA)
KFin Technologies Limited
Selenium, Tower- B,
Plot No. 31 & 32,
Financial District,
Serilingampally Mandal,
Hyderabad-500032, India.
Toll Free No : : 18003454001
What is the effect of death of one of the joint holders on nomination?In the unfortunate event of death of one of the joint holders, the surviving joint holders are the persons recognized by the Company as the holders of the shares. The death of one of the joint holders does not rescind the nomination. Nominee will have title to the shares only on the death of all the joint holders.
Can nomination be made in favor of a minor?Yes. Nomination can be made in favor of minor. In that event, the name and address of the guardian shall be given by the holder.
What will happen when a shareholder dies leaving a minor nominee?In the event of death of the shareholder, the shares shall vest with the guardian of the nominee as mentioned in the form.
Can shareholders nominate a person for a part of their holdings?No, the nomination should be for the full holding and not part.
Can a nominee transfer the shares after the death of the shareholder?A nominee, after getting the shares transmitted in his name, is entitled to sell the inherited shares in dematerialized form in the open market. However, he is not allowed to transfer the shares in physical form post March 31, 2019.
Can the nominee exercise voting rights before being registered as a member?A nominee is not entitled to exercise any voting rights before being registered as a member.
Can a Power of Attorney holder sign for the shareholder concerned appointing any person as nominee?No, The Power of Attorney holder is not allowed to sign the nomination form on behalf of the shareholder.
Whether the heirs of the nominee are entitled to the shares, if the nominee dies before the nominator?If the nominee dies before the nominator i.e. shareholder, of company shall transmit the shares in the name of the heirs or legal representatives of the registered shareholder or holder of the succession certificate. The heirs of the nominee are not entitled to the shares if the nominee has predeceased the shareholder.
A pioneer in the financial sector KFintech's corporate registry services have made a mark in the market for their innovative and technology oriented service offerings.